The energetic third eye is situated right in the center of your brain, it’s the location of your intuitive vision and clear seeing. The pineal gland is about the size of a grain of a small pea and is found in the center of your brain. The gland is uniquely shaped like a pine cone and that’s where it’s name comes from “pine”al gland. The pinecone in many ancient cultures seem to depict the pine cone as a symbol of spiritual consciousness and enlightenment, awakening, or immortality. Even though this gland is in the center of the brain, it’s not technically part of the brain. The main function of the gland is to receive signals from your environment and register the quality of light so it knows how much melatonin to produce to help us wake up in the morning and go to sleep at night. It helps produce hormones as well as the maintenance of the circadian rhythm. Learning about the pineal gland and how to honor it and the gland's health is still a very new concept but as we learn more about it we can understand that we truly have a third eye. The location of the pineal gland is believed to be the sixth chakra (ajna) This is the energy center for thought, intuition and ideas. One of the most important ways to stimulate the gland is by using meditation and energetically awakening it. In his book Kundalini Tantra, Swami Satyananda Saraswati says, “It has also been called ‘the eye of intuition‘, and it is the doorway through which the individual enters the astral and psychic dimension of consciousness. When looking at mystical traditions of every age and cultures make abundant references to it and its ability to give intuitive insight. This psychic eye is located midway between the two physical eyes and looks inward instead of outward. Ancient sages and mystics believed this area of the body to be the space for enlightenment and space for ascension, almost to act as a bridge to outer worlds. This gland is our connection to higher states of consciousness and gives us the ability to look beyond the veil of this world. We have more than just five senses, the sixth sense is very real and could be sharpened and awakened. Just like learning an instrument, we can learn how to use these god given abilities that I believe we all have. I believe we are all born with this gift, our soul's way of being connected to the universe. I believe in the saying “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” It’s up to us to make the decision to honor these gifts and develop them, some might be better at certain aspects then others. This higher state of consciousness, this bridge to peer beyond the material world can be accessed by everyone. We have all heard stories from family and friends that went something like this “I had a gut feeling”. “I just knew not to go home that way”. “I had a dream that my deceased father came to me”. Doing seminars and talking with attendees, I love hearing these kinds of stories. This is always a great opportunity for me to tell those in the audience that they are intuitive too and that they are accessing this higher state of consciousness. We all come from the same source and as Tyler Henry said in his book “we are fingers on the same hand”. The pineal gland can in time get calcified and interfere with the proper production of melatonin, this in fact can cause hormonal issues, migraines and restless sleep. This can also make it harder to access your higher state of consciousness and loosens your connection for intuitive strength. It’s like having a cell phone with only one bar and you're trying to make a call. You need to take care of your vessel, start by monitoring your calcium intake, get natural light outside each day, take walks and do your best to have a healthy diet and implement organic foods. Yoga and meditation can also help keep your pineal gland healthy and functioning properly. MRI scans of individuals who have been meditating, shows that meditation triggers the pineal gland. Meditation releases neuropeptides and nitric oxide. Which helps you relax and move deeper, thus stimulating the third eye region.
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